These materials were developed to support you and provide guidance for your local ETW activities. The materials were last updated in 2019. Some of them include outdated information and are not available for download, while others are more generic and can still be downloaded. If you have any questions, please contact the ETW secretariat at
Factsheet 1
About Testing Week
Factsheet 2
HIV the current situation in Europe
Under review
Factsheet 3
Hepatitis the current situation in Europe
Under review
Factsheet 4
Hepatitis policy
Under review
Factsheet 5
Hepatitis call to action
Under review
Factsheet 6
HIV policy
Under review
Factsheet 7
HIV call to action
Under review
Factsheet 8
How to reach government bodies
Factsheet 9
The benefits of focusing on and mobilising key populations
Factsheet 10
How to develop educational resources that resonate with key populations